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Creative Curriculum

Rosemount uses the Creative Curriculum (CC) in working with our children and families. The CC is one of the country’s leading scientifically based, comprehensive curricula for programs serving children from birth to age 5.

Rosemount integrates the Creative Curriculum with high-quality assessments and professional development for staff. Connecting community resources to our families creates a well-rounded program that addresses the needs of our children and their families.

CC helps us plan and implement a developmentally appropriate program for each child that promotes children’s social-emotional development and learning in the core areas of literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies. It also combines the latest research and a forward-thinking approach to learning–one that honors creativity and respects the role that teachers play in making learning child-centered, exciting and relevant for every child.

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Please contact the Program Director, Cornett Roberts-Njoku at (202) 265-9885 ext. 138 or the Deputy Program Director for Education, Ms. Ann Marie Schaeffler at (202) 265-9885 ext. 103